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Sweet Fuse Walkthrough

Eccoci all’ennesimo walk rapido by Suppy! Questa volta, essendo un gioco breve, lo posto belle che completo *heropose*

How to use:
E’ semplice segnerò qui le scelte da fare, la differenza principale è tra il “percorso in comune” (common route) e quello specifico per ogni ragazzo.
Nella parte in comune ho segnato per ogni scelta il risultato che da (aumenta l’affinità, si va in game over, ecc...) mentre nelle route specifiche c’è solo la lista delle scelte corrette e bona *heropose*
Il walk è parzialmente in inglese perché l’ho fatto per la community inglese essendo arrivata prima dei soliti gamefaqquiani.

Vi ricordo che per gli insight non è obbligatorio riempire tutte e tre le scelte, se sapete quella giusta selezionate quella e poi pigiate start :P (vi ricordo inoltre che cassare un insight porta quasi sempre automaticamente al game over)
Dare di matto è sempre una bella cosa! Tranne che in certo punto >.<
Spesso e volentieri la prima è la migliore! E se non lo è c’è sempre il quick load, i dorsali sono i vostri migliori amici!
Il problema di Misaki è lo stesso di Kasama ovvero essendo le route “bonus”, che si sbloccano completando una volta il gioco, la loro affinità nella parte comune schizza alle stelle con poche scelte e quindi rischiate, se gli date corda, di finire sempre nella loro route specifica perché l’affinità è sempre più alta del ragazzo che vi stavate filando! Per evitare di averlo tra i piedi, e automaticamente non far apparire i suoi eventi, basta sbagliare la scelta nel prologo e non vi darà più noia :P
Per quanto riguarda il bad end: in breve esso avviene quando arrivati al settimo giorno non si ha un affinità sufficente col vostro omaccione, quindi il mio suggerimento NON è di sbagliare alcune scelte (col rischio di andare nel gameover) ma fatevi la vostra partita in pace e poi andate in “diary” scegliete lo stage 7 di chi volete e non datevi alcun punto affinità :P

(nome +) aumenta l’affinità con quella persona
(-) nessun incremento
(text) la scelta da fare in un insight
Text route di Misaki, si attiva solo dopo aver completato il gioco una volta
Scena derivante da essa]

Common Route

You know who he is? (de-active Misaki Route)
It was a present (active Misaki Route)

Stage 1
Examine panels with Shidou, Wakasa and Meoshi (-)
Examine panels with Shirabe, Mitarashi and Urabe (-)

I think it was the stomach (-)
I think it was the tail (Shirabe+)

(awaken to your destiny)

Stop Mitarashi! (-)
Wakasa might know something (Wakasa+)

Think about it some more (-)
Let meoshi try (Meoshi+)

Take his hand (Urabe+)
No, I’m ok (-)

Examine the statue with Shidou and Urabe (-)
Examine the statue with Shirabe and Meoshi (-)
Examine the sliding doors with Mitarashi  (-)

Are you okay? (-)
What were you thinking? (Mitarashi+)


Get mad (Shidou+)
Restain myself (-)

Get mad (-)
Restain myself (-)

[if Misaki is on
I don’t think that’s a good idea (Misaki+)
All right, I understand (-)]

[Go with Wakasa, Shidou and Urabe
            [Western with Wakasa

            Yeah (-)
            I don’t think so (wakasa+)]
            [Chinese with Shidou
            Ask (Shidou+)
            Don’t ask (-)]
            [Japanese with Urabe
            Don’t’ worry about it (Urabe+)
            There’s always next time (-)]
[Go with Mitarashi to the office

Don’t treat me like a kid (Mitarashi+)
M-My dream is to become a wife! (-)]
[Go with Meoshi to the arcade

I thought hanging out with you might be (-)
I thought I might learn something about (Meoshi+)]
[Go with Shirabe and explore the park

Take a snack (Shirabe+)
Ask why he seems lonely (-)]


Stage 2

You’re right (Shidou+)
But then we’ll lose (-) ]

Won’t that br dangerous?(-)
Right! (Meoshi+)]

Did he think I felt about messing it up? (Shirabe+)
Did he think I’d mess it up again? (-)]

Stop it, you two! (-)
Urabe, are you all right? (Urabe+)

The celling’s going to crush us! (-)
Hurry up and solve the puzzle (-)

Tell him the answer (-)
Tell him to do his best (Wakasa+)

(queen of hearts)

Get mad (-)
Restain myself (-)

You were late, so I went to find you (-)
What were you just doing? (-)

I wouldn’t do it (Misaki+)
I-I don’t know… (-)

Were you on the phone? (-)
How are you feeling? (Mitarashi+)


Stage 3
[Go with Shidou and Meoshi

Hold up (Misaki+)
I belive you (-)

Just hang on a little longer! (-)
If you give up here, it’s game over! (Meoshi+)]

[Go with Shirabe and Wakasa

Hold up (Misaki+)
I belive you (-)

Behind you! (-)
Come on, this way! (Wakasa+)]

[Go with Mitarashi and Urabe

Hold up (Misaki+)
I belive you (-)

Mitarashi, wait! (-)
Come on, Urabe! (Mitarashi+)]

Get mad (Shirabe+)
Restain myself (-)

Do you have to go to the bathroom? (-)
Is there something you want to tell us? (-)

(seven deadly sins)

Got it! (Shidou+)
Maybe we should all think about it... (-)

(All these sins)

Think about it more (-)
Trust Urabe (Urabe+)

Get mad (-)
Restain myself (-)

AUTOMATIC BREAK TIME, not for Urabe and Misaki

Mikami Route
Attenzione, nella sua route è facilissimo incappare nel game over visto che quasi ogni scelta sbagliata porta ad esso visto che ha una certa propensione a spararti...
Pay attention! In this route is simple get a game over, because Mikami love shot u if u do wrong...

Stage 4
They’ll be fine

I can’t choose

Stage 5
Get Mad/Restain myself

...I can’t do that

Stage 6

I still don’t think it’s right

Get Mad


Stage 7


Get Mad

Mitarashi Route

Stage 4
Stay behind and take care of him      

You said “mom”

Mostly I’m just worried

Stage 5
Are you sure you’re okay?

Get Mad/Restain myself

Absolutely not

(help us out)

Don’t be so impatient!


I’m a little scared

Stage 6
Don’t be so reckless!

[Let’s head for the exit
[I want to know what the “E” is….

Head for the other E!]

(flies over)

I know! It’s so cool!

Restain myself

Stage 7

Stop doing this!


Get mad

Shirabe Route

Stage 4
I’ll go with you

You don’t know much about her, do you?

You’re family. You’ll figure it out

Get Mad/Restain myself

Circle around/Punch

Stage 5
A-Are you s-sure…?


No, it was cool to learn about you

Give her a hug

Stage 6
I told you to stop doing that

(something beyond that)

I’ll come with you

Get Mad/Restain myself

It doesn’t matter

Stage 7
It’ll be a stretch…

Go confront Hogstein

Get Mad

Urabe Route

Stage 4
Why do you hate him so much?

You’re not your father

And M2 was Hogseint?

Thank you

I’m coming with you

Get Mad/Restain myself

Stage 5
Love (but try even Money and Carrer, are funny :P)

Aww, thank you!


I’m touched, but...

Stage 6
[Drop the tray

Slowly walk to the door/Hit him with the tray]
[Trip him

Stage 7
Get Mad

Get Mad

Get Mad

(full rotation)

Shidou Route
Stage 4
Go with Shidou

I’m curious about the ‘PW’

Urabe’s not that kind of person


(attacked at the same time)

Yes! I trust you

Get mad

Stage 5
Get mad

Yeah, I kinda do

Why don’t we put them all on the tray?

I think it’s closer to 200 yen


(stuffed Hogstein)

You sure you want to talk about this?

Get mad

Stage 6
See how the others play

You have to, or we can’t beat this game

If only Mitarashi was feeling better!

Get mad

Don’t say that

Stage 7
We have to trust him!

Yeah, as long as I’m with you

(Ninja step)

Get mad

Wakasa Route

Stage 4
You’re an amazing singer!

I’m counting on you!

Let’s decide together

Stage 5


He did it for me

Did something happen?

You’re so mature

Stage 6
I’m embarrassed

(one other)

Hold on

Get mad

Just have fun!

Stage 7
I’m not scared with you here

You’re amazing

Get mad

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